
Trib, After Unmasking Communism in Every Corner of University, Breaks Camp for Yale

Having squeezed every possible drop of Harvard "communism" into the month of its presses, the Chicago Tribume sketched the College's history on Monday and then departed for the pristine pastures of New Haven.

Although the first article in the series claimed that "agitators have infiltrated into the halls of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton," publisher McCormick was chary of attacking big old almn mator and put off, at least temporarily, any invective against the Bill.

Instead, Tuesday's article devoted itself to an analysis of Yale's traditions, present status, and "democratic spirit."

"To appreciate the richest flavor of Yale history," the story said, "if is best to catch Mr. Lehman (an administrative official) not in the polished dignity of his office, but over a table in Mery's Bar."

Headlined "Democratic spirit lives on at Yale," the article didn't touch on leftist groups until the very end, when it mentioned without comment a Socialist Club and a new-default AYD branch.


The previous day's story on Harvard said that the College "puts its startup on the nation's kind" by supplying famous citizens, and went on to describe its history, clubs, and House plan.
