
Coach Sifts Gridiron Talent As '51 Scrimmages Jayvees

On a Dillon Field House blackboard and a Soldiers Field practice lot Coach Henry Lamar is molding Harvard's latest crop of prop school footballers into a Freshman eleven.

Three tentative squad lists are chalked on the blackboard and on the field the 110 men out for the team are running through defensive, offensive, and signal drills, scrimmaging with the Varsity and Jayvees-and hoping.

Finding Players

All the men have had a chance at scrimmage, Lamar reported yesterday, adding that "we're finding men every day." Henry Dunker, a tackle from Governor Dummer Academy and Jerry Kanter, who hails from Cincinnati, showed up well in the line against the Jayvees.

Guard Bill Rosenan, on the basis of defensive work against the Varsity, appears already to have won a place in the lineup.


Backfield Stars

While the '51 line seemed to be shaping up as the strong point in this year's squad, some schoolboy backfield stars were running through basic plays. Phil Bolster, fullback for Newton High's 1944 eleven and big John West from Winchester are two of the prop stars seeking berths on the squad.

Lamar has made no cuts yet, preferring to work out different combinations of players and give everyone a chance to show his stuff. But 35 men will be the limit of the Freshman first team after the Andover game.

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