
Racket Wielders Shake Off Slump, Vanquish Bruins

A week's steady diet of rain apparently was just what the doctor ordered for the hitherto ailing Varsity tennis team, for they finally snapped into the win column yesterday, squashing Brown 8 to 1, while the Freshman were mopping up the Bruin yearlings with a 9 to 0 shellacking.

Jack Barnaby's squad cleaned up in the doubles and dropped only one singles match out of six. The Freshman crushed their opposition even more handily, never yielding more than three games in any one set.

The Varsity line-up: Backe, Tufts, Wightman, Pratt, Warren, Swartzman, Coon.

The Freshman Line-up: Hughes Nicholl, Frey, Kaynes, Deane, Preston, Zinsser, and Cohodes.
