
Local Housing Is Goal of New A. V. C. Search

Group Seeks Additional Living Space for Married Students From Men Leaving in June

Housing officials of the University chapter of the American Veterans Committee acted last night to find additional living quarters for married students.

In a letter sent out to all students who are being graduated at the end of the present term and who live outside the University, the AVC has requested that they put their present living space on AVC files, so that married students will be able to obtain the quarters when vacated.

Information obtained from replies to the AVC's letter will be available to all married students in need of accommodations, John A. Quisenberry '46, chairman of the AVC Housing Committee announced Saturday, but he declared that "the committee must reserve the right to distribute leads from acquired sources according to its determination of need among applicants."

Couples With Children Come First

Quisenberry asserted that "preference will be given to couples with children, as they have the greatest difficulty in finding accommodations."


"The AVC cannot ensure the finding of accommodations," Quisenberry pointed out, but he added that "the Housing Committee of the AVC is, however, undertaking to aid individual space-seekers under this plan."

The AVC committee will handle only accommodations suitable for "permanent" occupancy, while University housing secretaries in Phillips Brooks House will handle all single rooms, sub-lets, and short-term rentals.

Over 770 students who will be graduated this June have been written to by the AVC. Of these, 383 come from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and 230 from the College, with the remainder in the other graduate schools.

Quisenberry stressed that the AVC wants a reply even where the living space will not be available, as a second form letter will be sent to those who do not reply to the first one.
