
Picketing on Club 100 Will Start Tonight

Picket Line Set by Vote of University - Wide Committee After Two-House Discussion

By a 10 to 6 vote, the University-wide Committee on Discrimination last night adopted a motion which will establish a picket line in front of the Club 100 this evening.

The move came toward the end of a two-hour session in which the picketing issue occupied virtually all of the discussion and followed a unanimous vote of the Committee to reconsider the defeat of a similar motion earlier in the evening.

Bring in City Groups

In passing the resolution the Committee urged that "all possible efforts" be made to secure support for the picket line from all organizations within the University and that attempts be made to include Cambridge civic groups in the step aimed at ending racial discrimination at the Club 100. It was felt that the greatest measure of respect for the picket line would be obtained if the sponsoring organizations represented a broad base.

The motion to reconsider, which led directly to the approval of outside picketing, came when the Committee heard a member announce that the Liberal Union Executive Committee had previously decided to initiate a picket line whether the Committee approved such a move or not.


With several members abstaining from the second ballot and after discussion centering about the date and makeup of the line, the earlier decision was reversed.

Need to Extend Pressure

The arguments for the establishment of the picket line centered chiefly on the necessity for extending pressure on the management of the Club 100 to include non-University patrons who, the Committee felt, had not been effectively reached by the boycott instituted at the end of last week.

Thaxter Swam '45 and Geoffrey White '48 were named as co-chairmen to handle the details of the picket line.

The group also passed a motion asking that a meeting with the Cambridge Civic Unity Committee be arranged some time late this week or early next week.

All men interested in working with the Committee's picket line have been asked to report to Little 21 tonight at 7 o'clock for an important organizational meeting.
