
AVC Membership Will Choose Between Three Conflicting Resolutions on Truman's Policy

After a stormy two-hour meeting yesterday afternoon, the AVC International Affairs Committee voted to present three resolutions on President Truman's foreign policy to the full chapter tonight.

The adoption of a resolution expressing the stand of the group will be the chief business of this meeting, at which Cord Meyer, Jr., chairman of the International Affairs Committee, and Robert A. Horn, instructor in Government, will speak.

After lengthy argument, the committee decided late yesterday afternoon to send three resolutions before the full gathering. One will favor the President's stand, the second will oppose it, and the third will be an endorsement of the National Planning Committee resolution which calls for making Greek government "representative to insure the most efficient use of our aid."

Also on tonight's agenda are nominations for the chairman of the Housing Committee, and a resolution endorsing President Conant's recent stand on Federal aid to education.
