
Housing Office Opens 48 Additional Homes

Forty eight more veterans and their families moved into federal housing yesterday, as the Straus Hall housing office threw open 36 newly completed units in Andover Court, six on Francis Avenue, and six on Massachusetts Avenue. With the 60 units occupied April 20, this brings the total federal housing units now available to 108.

"Within ten days, we expect to turn over 18 more units on Memorial Drive to veterans," and Donald D. Hathaway, head of the Straus Hall office. The remaining 72 units now being constructed, most of which are near the Business School across the Charles, will be ready for occupancy by June 15.

No decision has been received by the University on a request for additional units from the Federal Public-Housing Authority.

Only veterans with children are eligible to occupy the FPHA units, according to a ruling which requires maximum utilization of the two and three-bedroom accommodations.
