
Graduates Forced to Move by September

Only Four Halls to Be Open To Students Next Autumn

Harassed students in the Graduate Schools on this side of the Charles will get a blow from the University today in the form of a letter advising them that only four halls have been set aside for their housing in the fall and spring terms next year.

Only a temporary respite was forth-coming in the announcement that graduate students would be allowed to remain in Apley Court and Claverly, Little, Lionel, Mower, Matthews, and Weld Halls until September 14--through the summer term.

The letter, signed by Roy V. Perry, Bursar of the University, revealed that beginning with the summer session Conant Hall will be reserved for students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Walter Hastings for Law students, with the two groups sharing Perkins Hall, and Divinity being thrown open to all comers.
