
Veterans Can Get Payment Adjustments at Weld Hall

Veterans under the G.I. Bill who do not receive their subsistence allowance checks when due may get immediate action at Weld Hall from a representative of the Veterans Administration who by order of General Bradley will hold office hours there each month.

Another ruling will speed subsistence payments to out-of-state veterans by removing the slow process of transfer of their papers to Boston as a requisite for these payments.

If their checks fail to arrive when due, veterans should report to the V.A. representative at the Counsellor for Veterans Office, Weld Hall 11. The date at which he will be available will be posted there towards the end of each month.

This month veterans who were in residence last term and have not received their checks should report Monday or Tuesday between 10 and 4 o'clock. February registrants should not report until April since certificates of eligibility have not yet been issued.
