
Crimson Runners Nosed Out By Yale, as Tigermen Trail

On the day that the Princeton Tiger gridmen won their most outstanding victory in years, their cross country team bowed before the power of Yale and Crimson harriers with the Blue edging out the Mikkolamen by seven points. In the Freshmen department the Bulldogs took a back seat to a hot Nassau team and an improving Yardling aggregation.

Under grey skies at Franklin Park Saturday noon the 30 contestants took off across the rolling golf course and 22 minutes 38 seconds later Jim Randall of Yale crossed the line, followed closely by his teammate Linton Baldwin.

Next man to score was Crimson runner Huna Rosenfeld, the only man on this year's squad who now rates a major H. Captain Frank Gurley and John Cogan followed in the fourth and firth spots. When the placing was broken down according to the three way dual count the blues had beaten the Varsity 24 to 31 and downed the men from New Jersey, 19 to 38. The Mikkola barriers tallied 19 to Princeton's 40.

In the Yardling three-miler, the Tiger redeemed itself by downing Yale 19 to 42 and the Crimson by 23 to 33, and the latter held its second spot over the Bulldogs by 20 to 43. Princeton's captain Johnson took a fast first in 16:53, and the Yardling barriers, led by Captain Joe Leeming, placed in the four, seven, eight, nine and ten slots.

Heptagonal Is Next


Next week will see a seven man Varsity running on the foreign soil of Van Cortlandt Park in New York City in the traditional Ivy League Heptagonals, which since the beginning of the war have included Army and Navy to make a total of nine college on the roster. Harriers Gurley, Cogan and the other top men will get another crack at their major H if they can squeeze into the first seven places.

As Coach Jaakko Mikkola anticipated every man on the squad improved on his best previous time Saturday with Cogan upping his previous record by a full minute. The Yardlings, in spite of increasing power this fall, did not place anyone in the first three spots in Saturday's race and all ten entries will win their minor numerals only. Unlike the Varsity, they will not get a chance to advance to majors.

Jaakko is still uncertain about sending entries to the big IC4A meet in New York in two weeks. The Crimson's showing in the Heptagonals will probably decide the issue. Outfought   Harvard  Rutgers First downs  10  13 Net gain, rushing  180  194 Passes attempted  11  15 Passes completed  2  6 Interceptions  1  3 Gain by interceptions  11  110 Number punts  6  6 Distance punts  204  147 Average punts  34  25 Runback of punts  22  5 Number penalties  2  6 Yards penalized  10  40
