
Twenty Colleges Invited Here for Meeting Monday

New England Group to Make Plans for Attending Chicago Conference After Christmas

The International Student Affairs Committee of the Student Council has invited representatives of some 20 New England colleges to meet with it on Monday to discuss the forthcoming Chicago conference, Francis D. Fisher '47, secretary of the committee, announced yesterday.

Scheduled for just after Christmas, the Chicago conference will be in the nature of a preliminary gathering and will set plans for a National Student's Congress, to be held some time in the early months of the summer. The two meetings are direct outgrowths of last August's Prague Conference.

Last night, Fisher said he could not be sure just which of the colleges invited would show up on Monday. He stated that the colleges had already been asked by telephone and posteard, but that no replies had been received to date.

Council Will Report Results

Monday's gathering, said Fisher, will attempt to explore the possibilities of cooperative action in international affairs. The Council committee will present a brief report on their activities in field, and on their plans for the December conference.


Representatives of the other College will also be quizzed on the extent of their activities in international affairs. Fisher said yesterday that he did not know how many of the other colleges had equivalent committees or how much any of them were doing.

Zollner Heads Publicity

The appointment of Robert Zollner '46 to head the Committee's publicity branch was also announced yesterday.
