
Jayvee Eleven Scores Early, Often to Crush Tufts, 37-0

Crimson Junior Varsity, Outweighing Jumbos Considerably, Takes 14-Point Lead in First Quarter, Coasts to Win; Farrell Scores Two Touchdowns, Passes for Third

In what Crimson football followers hoped was a preview of this afternoon's Varsity contest, the Harvard Junior Varsity eleven, both rugged and ragged, completely outclassed a light Tufts Jayvee squad, 37 to 0, on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon.

Operating almost exclusively from the outweighed the Jumbos at least ten pounds a man, pushed its Medford fees all over the field in the first half to pile up an impressive 24 to 0 lead, and ended its scoring parade with two touchdowns in the final period.

Score in Six Plays

It all started quickly. After Harvard kicked off, and Tufts was unable to gain, the Jumbos kicked to wingback Dave Farrell on the Crimson 40-yard line. In six plays the Jayvees scored, with a pass from Farrell to Captain Bill Fitz setting things up on the Tufts 8 yardline, after which Farrell went off tackle for the touchdown. Bucky Harrison converted.

The next time the Crimson got its hands on the ball, which was almost immediately after its second kickoff, Farrell sparked the club to a touchdown in three plays from the Tufts 35. Another Farrell-to-Fitz pass did the trick from the Jumbo 25. Harrison again converted.


Two Safeties

With Tufts' light outfit unable to do anything against a heavy, if uncoordinated Crimson line, the Medford boys were forced to punt again, the Coach Chief Boston's men came roaring back. The first period ended with Harvard again deep in Tufts territory, but the Crimson attack stopped at the Tufts' 1 yard-line when Farrell fumbled and the visitors recovered. The Jumbos then foolishly elected to try a deep reverse, and right end Al Fuller dropped the Tufts tailback in the end zone for a safety.

It was the same story all over again after Tufts kicked out from its 20-yard line. The Crimson took the kick-off on its own forty, and moved swiftly to its third touchdown. Alex Grant, Junior Varsity fullback, paced the drive with a 37-yard off-tackle slant, and Grant bucked over from the 3 to score. Harrison's place-kick was wide.

The Crimson came rolling on after another ineffectual Tufts series of plays, out the attack again stalled on the Jumbo 1. Another attempted Tufts reverse wound up with guard Bill Byrnes pinning a Medford back in the end zone, and the half ended with Harvard in front, 24 to 0.

Ragged play, in the form of three clipping penalties and a roughing-the-kicker infraction suffered by Boston's eleven, kept the third period scoreless, with Tufts failing to profit from their gifts. In the final chapter, two long runs, a 50-yard dash off tackle by Farrell and a 34-yard guard buck by Mel Friedman accounted for the last two scores. Harrison's conversion after Farrell's jaunt resulted in the 37th point.
