
The Moviegoer

At the U.T.

Guy Madison, making his second appearance on the silver screen in "Till the End of Time," makes great use of the same three qualities that have already endeared him to the bobbysox brigade: a great shock of blond hair, a habit of grinning upward from beneath the shock, and his sensible decision not to complicate his art with the unmanly, finer points of acting. Dorothy McGuire, who is east as Pat, Guy's galfriend, although female and fetching, apparently can't get used to the thought of not being Clandia and has trouble groping her misty-eyed way through this picture.

The picture deals with the reconversion problems of three Gyrencs (Guy Madison, Robert Mitchum, Bill Williams) who are mustered out of the service after overseas duty with the Corps. All three return to civilian life with considerable handicaps--Williams minus two legs, Mitchum with a silver plate in his skull, and Madison with a mild ease of the situational reaction that used to be called 'combat fatigue' earlier in the war. Williams can't bear donning his painful artificial legs or admitting that his boxing career is over; Mitchum refuses to tell his family about his disability or to seek adequate medical care; and Madison runs into trouble with his family and girl when he finds that neither college nor job provide any easing of the nervous dissatisfaction that he brings back with him from the service. McGuire, who has lost an AAF husband, finds the going rough until the final scene places her in the virile embrace of Mr. Madison.

"Till the End of Time" might have become a very good picture--that is, if Hollywood hadn't added the proverbial measure of corn. The result is a maudlin bit of bathos that pulls every trick in the book to get its sentimental effects and the tearful silver of every dowager in the nation from Long Branch, N. J., to Grass Valley, Cal. Mitchum, who turned in a fine performance as the infantry captain in "The Story of G.I. Joe," handles his role capably, as does William Gargan, who is cast as a Marine Rehabilitation NCO. The picture also deals surprisingly well with the problem of the nationalist, race-riot inciting veterans' organizations spawned by the war. But in its efforts to come to grips with the problem of individual reconversion, "Till the End of Time" is a wet failure. If you haven't guessed by now, the title comes from a certain song which sobs unendingly through the show.


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