
Soccer Team Wades Through Wet Session At Busy School Field

It rained yesterday afternoon on the Business School soccer field just as hard as on the rest of Cambridge, but soccer practice went on nevertheless. Coach "Mac" MacDonald put his squad, somewhat abbreviated by the wet weather, through two hours of kicking practice and scrimmage.

Now numbering close to 50 men, the squad seems to be growing by the day, and none of the men who started in last Friday's opener are assured of a definite position on the first team for the rest of the season. All the men who were ineligible for Varsity competition last week because they had not passed an H.A.A. physical will be available for next Saturday's game thus increasing the potential starters by about two-fold.

Last Friday's game although it was dotted by a series of good plays by individuals, showed the need of more teamwork. This is MacDonald's main worry at the present, and the size of the squad makes the task more difficult.

A training table for the top twenty players on the roster was started yesterday at the Varsity Club, but MacDonald emphasized that appointments to the table will be changed from time to time.
