

150 Tickets on Sale to '49, Upperclassmen

Social highlight of a summer term which has been too rushed for social highlights, an informal dance sponsored by the Freshman Common Room Committee is scheduled for Friday evening of next week.

Scene of the summer's only College dance will be the Smith Hall Dining and Common Rooms, where the 1948 Freshman Jubilee was held May 26. From 9 to 1 o'clock are the hours set by the Freshman Committee, and it was announced, too, that Chappie Arnold's eight-piece band, an outfit that last appeared at Harvard at an Adams House dance, would supply the music.

Though all Freshmen, upperclassmen, and Navy men are invited, conservative estimates place the total attendance at 150 couples. Tickets for the dance, which are priced at three dollars (tax included) for either stag or couple, will be placed on sale through entry representatives shortly.

No corsages will be permitted at the short-notice dance, it was said. Arrangements have been made for the guests to eat at Smith Hall on Friday evening, and festive decorations are promised.

Information was not forthcoming as to how both the Smith dining hall and common room would be utilized with only one band, though it was assumed that an amplifier system was planned. Two bands were used at the 1948 Jubilee, one in each room.
