
Baseball Twin Bill Washed Out By Week of Steady Drizzling

Last week's drizzle wiped a baseball doubleheader off the slate Saturday, when a Varsity game with the Melville Motor Torpedo Boat School and a B team encounter with Exeter were both cancelled until the end of the present season, to be played off then.

With the postponement of the Torpedo Boat game, Coach Floyd Stahl's Varsity nine has an open week until Saturday's engagement with the King's Point Merchant Marine Base. The subs will take on the Army Base Officers (P.O.E.) at the same time on the Freshman diamond.

This coming Varsity contest will be the last of a series of six service teams. During the next month the schedule will consist mainly of civilian colleges, including Worcester Polytech, Brown, Tufts, and Northeastern. Largely at home, these games will round out the spring season, ending in the Tufts game here June 9.
