

Two Races Now Scheduled With M.I.T., Navy, Cornell

Competition for places on the Varsity and Junior Varsity crews will begin on Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock in the upstairs room of Weld Boat Club, Coach Bert Haines announced yesterday. At the meeting he will discuss plane for the two meets which have been scheduled on the Charles, the first on April 28 with M.I.T. and Navy, and the other a week later against Cornell and Tech.

Since the beginning of the spring term Haines has been holding practice sessions in the tank at Newell Boathouse, which has been opened for the first time in 13 months. This conditioning will continue for two weeks, after which the crews will start work on the river. The Crimson will again operate as an underdog this year, since Navy has been rowing on the water during the winter months, and M.I.T. has practically the same crew as raced last spring.

Haines stressed that since he plans to boat only two racing crews, competition will be intense.
