

Students to Vote for Eight From '46 and '47 on July 28

Nomination of 26 men for election to eight positions on the Student Council was announced last night by the nominating committee. In the elections to be held on Friday, July 28, three of the nine members of the Class of 1946 who were nominated will be chosen in the final ballot to serve on the Council, while five of the 17 men named from '47 will be elected.

Nominating Committee

The nominating committee consists of representatives of each of the five active civilian and Navy Houses, in addition to all of the present members of the Student Council. The men who participated in the nominating meeting, held last night at Phillips Brooks House, were W. L. Jack Edwards '47 and C. Austin Fish '46 from Adams House; John T. Noonan '47 and Frederick P. Murphy '47 from Lowell House; Richard Hunneman '46 and V-12 and Charles Thompson V-12 from Eliot House; Richard J. Creedon '46 and NROTC and Jerome Andrews V-12 from Kirkland House; Paul F. O'Rourke '46 and William E. Murphey '47 from Dudley Hall, the commuters' center, and all of the men who serve on the present Council.

Nomination by Petition

In addition to these selections, anyone who has been in the College for one term or longer may be placed on the ballot by presenting a petition signed by 35 members of his class to Douglas Danner '46. president of Student Council at Phillips Brooks House any time before next Monday.


The elections will be held under the direction of Paul G. Garrity '46 and Hugo Francke '47, each of these men being responsible for the voting in his own class. The House Committee representatives will take charge of the balloting in their respective Houses and students will cast their votes in their House dining rooms on the day of elections.
