
Crimson Salvo to Hit Tufts In Tomorrow's Grid Finale

Lamar Sets Guns for Repear of Early Win

With a record of four wins and one loss behind them, Coach Henry Lamar's Crimson gridmen will play their final game of the season at Medford tomorrow in a return tilt with a Tufts eleven that is in top shape after a three-week layoff.

Lamar pointed to the fact that the Jumbos have been preparing for tomorrow's clash since the end of their early fall schedule on October 14. Defeated by the Crimson on September 16 by a 19 to 12 score, Tufts has since lost to Brown and the Coast Guard Academy, tied Worcester Tech, and vanquished Bates.

Allen to Start

Harvard's lineup will undergo only one change. With Wally Mroz on the injured list, Mal Allen is slated to fill the left guard spot. Lamar states that there is a possibility "Bud" Thurman will start at left tackle in place of Ted Woggon.

Tufts has announced a lineup with only five of the men from the squad that faced the Crimson in the first clash this season between the two teams.


Hinting that no new Crimson strategy can be expected, Lamar said, "If we used any more plays than last Saturday, I don't know what they would be." The game is scheduled to Pierce, r.t.  p.h. Hartman Davis, r.g.  l.g., Owens Vicario, c.  c., Rautenberg Allen, l.g.  r.g., Brucker Woggon, l.t.  r.t., Marsanski Morter, l.e.  r.e., Schroeder Trumbull, q.b.  q.b., Grenahan Fritts, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Walz Navin, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Billips Cowen, f.b.  f.b., Irwin
