

Lowell Clashes With Gold Coasters Today

Most recent action on the intramural grid front was last Friday's game between Eliot and Lowell, which found the Navy outfit on top, 18 to 0. As was the case in the Adams-Eliot contest, play during the first half was fairly even, with the Bellboys' ace punter, Bill Sutton, continually booting his team out of danger. At the half, Eliot led 6 to 0 on the strength of a Kelley touchdown.

But in the third period, the Navy backs began to click behind their hard-charging line. The second Eliot score came suddenly on a pass interception by center Kavanaugh, and in the fourth quarter Boyce skirted right end for 18 yards to close the day's scoring.

For Eliot, standouts were Boyce, Quinn, Kelley, and Kavanaugh, while Harrison, Sutton, and Ryan looked good for Lowell in a losing cause.

Lowell will face Adams today in a season - climaxer. Asked about this grudge battle between the Gold Coasters and Bellboys, the Lowell coach said of his charges, half-seriously, half-humorously, "They won't play touch football like they did against Eliot!" Similar statements came from the Adams board of strategy.

Unbeaten, untied, and unscored upon, Eliot will go after Kirkland tomorrow in this term's final grid intramural contest. Next term, though, there will be another House football series, Chief Dunlap announced yesterday. The standings:   Won  Lost  Tied Eliot  2  0  0 Lowell  1  1  0 Adams  0  1  1 Kirkland  0  1  1
