

A very interesting personage turned up at the Class E party last Saturday in the form of the bandmaster of the service orchestra which had been engaged for the occasion. He is reported to have been on the U. S. S. Tennessee when Captain McIntosh, now officer in charge of the school, was disbursing officer, and the same bandmaster is supposed to have been connected with one of Commander blesser's former ships--so he felt right at home with the group of Supply School officers.

By the way, the party was held at the UOQ, Receiving Station and the accommodations seemed to be adequate to say the least. The dance floor was good, the food was better and the drinks were everything that drinks should be and in addition had that very saving grace of being inexpensive.

Although last weekend is already a long way back we somehow can't forget what was done to us Saturday morning. The audit problem seems to have thrown quite a number of people for a loss. And some of them are not a little puckered because they are ex-businessmen and in some cases even ex-accountants. They knew that they should know how to figure the problem out but there is a general admission that such was not the case. When we become members of audit boards we hope the Ships Service Officer will place more detailed information at war disposal and then, perhaps, we will finally find out just what an audit should be.

As perhaps you have noticed, some of the instructors at the School really have a keen sense of humor. This is borne out by the story one officer tells of his experiments in mixing drinks. Recently he came up with a particularly lethal potion as is evidenced by the name he gave it: "My Heart Stood Still."
