
Ward Room Topics


The big event of the week-end was the Navy Relief Dance on Saturday, which turned out much better than anyone had anticipated. Even the weather co-operated, while the hall's decorations evoked the praise of visiting WAVES and other feminine guests, and the faculty was looking very chipper in whites.

At the beginning of the dance the poor guard at the entrance to Soldiers Field was dutifully presenting arms to each officer as he passed by. Checking with our friends in the crowd we found only a half dozen who returned the guard's present arms with a hand salute. As for the officers who neglected to return the salute because they did not notice it or because noticing it they did not realize it must be returned these men did not add to their own reputation.

Training Adequate

As far as we can see no excuse can be offered. For those of us who were not on duty before coming to the School or for those of us who have not looked through the Blue-jacket's Manual, there was a movie the first week here at Soldiers Field. In that movie the forms of salute were illustrated as well as the officer's proper response to each. Failure to notice and return military courtesies is the mark either of a very green or a very indifferent officer.

Constant Couples


It was interesting to note at the dance certain couples, mostly WAVES and Supply School Juniors, to whom we were introduced at the dance three weeks ago. If they are still seeing each other after that length of time maybe something will come of it.

In the spotlight for most of the afternoon were Captain and Mrs. McIntosh, Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Hesser and various other members of the School Faculty and their wives. The spotlight shifted to the student officers when the professional danceuse picked "Chick" Soloway, of the Junior Class, to demonstrate the samba.

Whether Chick knew how to do it all the time and just played dumb at the start, we will never know. But he certainly caught on fast and won the resulting competition. Anyone interested in samba lessons at reasonable rates should contact Mr. Soloway.

The other event of the weekend took place Saturday morning and will not be mentioned here. Prescribed treatment is the same as that used on Saturday evening and Sunday only more of the same. Bad effects will gradually wear off, leaving patient in a very much weakened condition. An extra run around the drill field each morning will finish the job.
