
Conant Struck by Changes Among Men in Busy School

Notes Transition in Address on Monday

Pointing out the changing aspects of the Business School brought about by the concentration in subjects relative to the war effort, President James B. Conant spoke on the Allston side of the Charles for the first time in three years to a capacity crowd in Potter Auditorium on Monday afternoon.

After an introduction by Donald K. David, dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration, President Conant put forth evidence of the changes that have come over the school, including the fact that most of his listeners were in uniform.

Busy School War Minded

Almost all of these now studying at the Business School are enrolled in some sort of service, the majority being on active duty. These include the Navy Midshipmen and Supply Scheo's, the Army Quartermaster Corps, ROTC and the new Army Supply Officers Training School.

Logistics, the science of getting supplies to the right places at the right times, is what is being emphasized at the School at present and President Conant congratulated the School on this contribution to the war effort.


President Conant then told of the work of the National Defense Research Committee, of which he is chairman. This group has as its task the organization of all academic engineering societies and research programs throughout the country.
