
Squash Team Faces Strong Eli Aggregation Tomorrow

Jack Barnaby's squash team will have its first real test of the season tomorrow, when they meet a strong Yale team, at 3 o'clock on the Harvard Club of Boston's courts. Hampered by exams and transportation difficulties, the racquetmen have yet to meet a really strong team.

With Captain Qaelen Felt now in the Army, the Harvard lineup has been in a state of flux for the past week. Definitely in the nine that will go to make the team, however, are Tom Baker, George Clay, Wally McDonald, Decker Orr, Dudley Palmer, Cort Parker, Tom Sears, Dave Shepard, and John Zinsser. Little is now known about the Yale team, although Barnaby Indicated last night that they would be "very tough pickins'."
