
Upperclassmen Win Track Contest, Taking Five Starts

Phinney is Star in Interbridge Event

Scanning the results of Thursday and Friday's intramural track meet, it is clear that the remnants of last year's Varsity and Freshman squad still make up the backbone of the summer team, since in eight field and running events, this year's Freshmen captured only two firsts to the Upperclassmen's five.

The hammer throw and high jump were run on Thursday with Jack Fisher and Pete Garland taking firsts respectively. First of Friday's events was the discus which was won by Garland with a mediocre throw of 118' 7", not quite up to par with the record breaking distance put in at last year's Freshman Yale meet of over 140'. Second in the discus with a throw of 106' was Freshman Jack Chilcott.

Bingham Stars in 300

Meeting all expectations, Bill Bingham, Jr. took the 300 with time of 33.5 seconds, leaving '46er Jim Wheeler behind in second with time of 38.8 seconds, and Mac Clark in third. First upset of the afternoon for aspiring Freshmen of the squad was John MacCoubrey's first in the 100 yard dash, which left Sophomore Moe Young in second place, and Allard trailing in third.

Top Honors in the 600 fell to Max Pincus who came through with time of one minute 18.5 seconds; he was followed by Herby Blatt and Henry Mason. Second win of the day for the Freshmen was Francis Shaw's 11' 3" pole vault; although by no means startling the jump was still very good for the practice and experience he has had.


Phinney Takes Distance

It was the distance race between the Watertown and Memorial Bridges, however, that showed the old guard up in the best light, with Cross Country Captain Fred Phinney streaking across the finish for first place. Second was Mac Andrews, and manager Will Dalrymple came in third.

As a departure from the usual run of the mill intramural meets medals and prizes were given out last week to the following men for their showing: Jack and Bill Fisher and Hampton in the hammer, Capole and Schneider in the high jump, Garland and Chilcott in the discus, Shaw and Burrowes in the pole vault, Bingham, Wheeler and Clark in the 300, MacCoubrey and Young in the 100, Blatt in the 600, and Andrews and Murch in the distance.

Plans for August

Track will be resumed August 10 after exams, with several meets under consideration. Although plans to invite Camp Devens to participate in a meet are on the fire, the only large meet definitely scheduled for August is the New England Championship meet of the A. A. U. on August 30.

Opportunity will be given for any House members who wish to do running to take part in a House relay race scheduled for August 19.
