
Geographers Are Needed

From the War Service Information Bureau

The Engineer Reproduction Plant, Washington, D. C. is in dire need of civilian personnel for geographic research. Seniors or graduates with courses in mapmaking, geography, or applied geology may very well qualify for this work. It is not essential that an applicant have a great deal of geographical knowledge or skill as a draftsman. The chief characteristics to be sought are adaptability and a graphic sense of what is conveyed by maps.

Young men who undertake this work will not be assured any preferential treatment in the draft though an attempt may be made to obtain deferment in exceptional cases.

The procurement of men for this work is in charge of Major Jno. H. Donoghue Corps of Engineers, Chief Cartographic Division, Engineer Reproduction Plant, Washington, D.C. Men who have the necessary background for this work may communicate directly with Major Donoghue.
