
Outside Activity Curtailed at Yale

Publications, Clubs Agree On Reduction for Duration

All extra-curricular activity at Yale will undergo drastic changes and reductions for the duration of the war, the Yale News reports. The revamping, to take effect this summer, was announced by the University after plans submitted by the undergraduate organizations had been approved by a special sub-committee of the Corporation's Committee on Educational Policy.

All Organizations Affected

According to the new arrangement, every extra-curricular organization will be affected by the new policy. They will carry on, as much as possible, according to their own plan, submitted to the Corporation three weeks ago. However, the News stated that it is not expected that any group will be forced to cease its activity entirely.

In line with the general trend toward reduction followed by the Eli publications, the Dramatic Association will limit itself to one one-act play this summer, while the Political Union and the debating teams will resort to more informal discussions, with perhaps one formal debate toward the end of the season.
