

Commencement Parts to be Given in Traditional Form

Although Commencement has been moved up about a week this year, the traditional Commencement Parts, always given early in the day of the Graduation Exercises, will be preseted as usual this year by two English and one Latin speakers.

Men who are candidates for Honors or who are taking degrees in graduate school are eligible to compete for these positions, and must submit a manuscript of about 1,000 words, to be studied by a committee composed of Dean George R. Chase, Frank W. C. Hersey, instructor in English, Frederick C. Packard, associate professor of Public Speaking and Arthur S. Pease, professor of Latin, who will represent the Classics. The subject of the selection may be part of Honors theses and is usually of current interest.

When manuscripts have been considered and the most appropriate chosen the authors will be allowed to present their parts before the committee sometime late in May, immediately after which the three speakers will be chosen.

The Commencement Parts are presented from memory and thus the original selections must be written or rewritten with a view towards oral delivery. Men will be coached in their speaking style by Professor Packard.
