
Crew Races Syracuse, MIT, Princeton on Lake Carnegie

Compton Cup Will be At Stake Tomorrow

Three of the Crimson's Pocock shells headed South in one of the Pennsylvania Railroad's glorified horse cars yesterday afternoon as the vanguard of Harvard's expedition to Lake Carnegie, where the Varsity, Jayvee, and Freshman crews will risk their reputations against Princeton, Syracuse, and M. I. T. tomorrow.

The Varsity race for the Compton Cup, which has been in the Newell lockers for lo, these many years, should see a hot fight develop for second place, but if Captain Ted Lyman's sweepswingers are greatly extended in winning their second race of the season, it will be an evil omen.

Princeton Stock Fails

The Bengal rowing qualities have fallen mightily since last year, when the Tigers presented the sole threat to Harvard's Eastern supremacy. In two races so far this year they have bowed to little Rutgers and a high-stroking Navy eight. 165-pound starboard stroke Dune Pitney is again pacing the Princetonians, but he doesn't seem to have the necessary power behind him to raise the Orange and Black much above the class of Tech and Syracuse, both of which failed to come within three lengths of the flying Crimson last Saturday.

Princeton's unbeaten Jayvees should provide the Crimson stiff competition in the second crew race, while Harvey Love's Yardlings showed so much power last weekend that it would be surprising if they lost their shirts.
