

At the Signet Society

The exhibition of undergraduate and graduate art work at the Signet Society is particularly remarkable for its range; and for its excellence as well. It includes oils, water colors, etchings, lithographs, woodcuts, sketches for stage sets, and photographs of sculptors' and architects' efforts. It has Gluyas Williams cartoons, and a sketch by Robert Edmond Jones of a set for Richard III, "Now is the winter of our discontent." Its paintings range from primly conservative New England garden-scenes to John Holabird's gay Mexican pot-pourri.

Two or three artists stand out in one's mind, against a confused background of innumerable oil and wateronlor landscapes. Among these Holabird is perhaps the most noteworthy. In his stage sets, both for Pinero's "The Magistrates" and Aristophanes' "Peace," in his savage woodcuts on the social scene in the year 1941, and in his watercolors and cartoons he demonstrates a remarkable creative imagination, a sharpened awareness and a mastery of diverse techniques.

Although his work is not as fully represented, the two pieces by Howard Turner '41 are sufficient to place him in the first rank of the exhibitors. His watercolor view over Boston housetops captures all the warmth and richness of Beacon Hill brick against the late afternoon sky. Carl Pickhardt '31 has four lithographs in the show, all very simply and very powerfully executed, especially the "Pieta" and the "Christ at Emmaus," with its Grecolike faces, and minimum of light areas. His work suggests the influence of stained-glass window design, with heavy lines blocking off areas of black and white.

Other highlights include the photographs of several very handsome and livable houses on Snake Hill in Belmont, designed by Carl Koch, Jr., the watercolors by Edward Weren and George Tooker, the excellent collection of "Lampoon" originals, ancient and recent, including several of the parody cover designs, three grotesquely decorative drawings by Alphonse Osorio, and several of the original drawings by Pierre de la Rose, of the House coats of arms.

The show has a great deal worth while to offer, and a few pieces that are more than worth while. It is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons, from 2 to 5 o'clock, and makes a good antidote for your afternoon dose of compulsory physical exercise.
