
Ames Finalists Meet Tonight At Law School

Justice Jackson on Board Of Three Judging Mock Trial

Survivors of the three-year Ames Law competition will present their cases before Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson in the finals of the annual tourney tonight at 8 o'clock in the Langdell Hall court room.

Sitting with Justice Jackson on the United States District Court for the District of Ames will be Judge Harrie B. Chase, of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and Judge Calvert Magruder of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

Judges on Ability Only

Though the trial will be judged entirely on the ability of the law students, the issues presented, embodied in the fictitious case of Columbia Broadcasting System vs. Federal Communications Commission are real ones. Questioning broadcasting regulations recently announced by the FCC, they have real counterparts in a current suit before the Supreme Court of the United States.

As well as raising the question of whether the networks have acted as monopolies and suppressed competition, the legal battle between the networks and the FCC has brought up the whole matter of judicial review in cases of administrative regulations.


Competing in the finals of the Ames Competition will be two groups of students, representing the James and Powell Law Clubs. All of the men chosen have gone through three years of similar trials designed to give them practical experience.

Representing the Columbia Broadcasting System, the James Club will have as its speakers Bernard Lisman of Burlington, Vermont, and Edward A. Smith of Worcester. Opposing them in behalf of the FCC will be James A. Doherty of LaCanada, California, and Donald MacDonald of Omaha, Nebraska of the Powell Club.

Also participating in the tournament are Arthur L. Krenzien, Halford W. Park, Jr., Harry F. Rice, Jr., Allan H. Smith and Robert Taft, Jr., who will take part in preparing the Powell Club's brief. David S. Junker, Sherman S. Laurence, Henry Quinto, Jr., Mandal R. Segal, David S. Stevens and Sydney R. Rubin will help in writing the brief used by the James Club.
