

Class Votes Today, Tuesday at 24 Polls

Members of the class of 1942 will vote in 24 polling places today and tomorrow for Senior Officers. All ballots in the year's first Senior election must be in by 9 o'clock tomorrow night, and the results will probably be in Wednesday morning's CRIMSON.

Voting tables will be set up in all the House dining halls, Widener, Harvard Hall, Sever Hall, Emerson Hall, Dudley and all the final and waiting clubs.

The Seniors will choose the three Class Marshals, Treasurer, Orator, Chorister, Odist, and Poet. They will also be called upon to ratify the Class Constitution, which has been slightly changed from that of previous years. The new document will be posted in all the Houses.

No Album Election

The Junior Election for the Album Committee, originally scheduled to start today, has been postponed indefinitely because the future of the Album is still uncertain due to the acceleration program and the resulting mix-up in classes.


After the Nominations Committee had placed 33 men on the ballot, petitions signed by 25 or more Seniors added eight more names to the list, of whom six were for Marshal, and one each for Odist and Poet.

The Committee did not name anyone planning to leave College before June, but petitions for these students were accepted by the Elections Committee because the positions are mainly honorary.

Next Monday and Tuesday, March 9 and 10, the second Senior Election, for Secretary, Class Day Committee, and permanent Class Committee, will be held. Nominations will be announced in Thursday's CRIMSON.

The oldest offices to be voted for is that of Marshal, which originated some-time around the founding of the College in 1636.
