

"Seven Oak Posts" Protect Fast Backs

With a record of 26 wins out of their last 30 intersectional, encounters, the Michigan Wolverines shape up into the strongest opposition the Crimson has met all season.

Michigan will be at full strength on Saturday with only one exception, second string fullback Don Boor will be out of action because of a badly sprained ankle suffered in the Illinois game last week.

Kuzma Able to Play

Tom Kuzma, 190 pound star halfback, probably won't start because of a twisted ankle, but he will be available if needed, it was reported from Ann Arbor last night. Before the Illinois game, Kuzma was third among Big Ten scoring leaders with a record of three touchdown in two games. He was out of the first two games of the season with an injury, but has come back fast.

The Maize and Blue coach, Fritz Crisler, will probably above Bob Chappius, brilliant Sophomore halfback, into the starting lineup. Chappius leads the entire Wolverine squad in total yards gained, having completed 16 passes for 183 yards and netting another 181 along the ground.


Graf Praises Chappius

Jack Graf, former Ohio State player who has been Dick Harlow's chief scout for Michigan games, says that Chappius is one of the best passers in the Big Ten and is, moreover, a hard runner with a lot of drive.

Another very dangerous man in Michigan's backfield is Paul White, 195 pound Junior who is the back in motion in most of Michigan's T formation plays. He is a threat to the left side not only because of his speed, which was evident in a 52-yard punt return against Minnesota, but also for his left-handed passes.

Wiese Big Fullback

The Wolverines are three deep at the fullback spot, with Bob Wiese, a six foot two, 200 pound line plunger first in line for the spot that all-American "Bullet" Bob Westfall held down last season.


Unless there is a radio in Cambridge powerful enough to pick up a broadcast from the state of Michigan, no play-by-play report of the Harvard-Michigan football game will be available for Crimson fans tomorrow afternoon.

In a letter to the Crimson Network, which made repeated but fruitless attempts to air the battle, the Wolverine coach, Fritz Crisler, revealed that only home state stations are presenting the contest.

As opposed to the wealth of capable replacements in the backfield, the Ann Arbor team has to rely on "Seven Oak Posts," a number of whom are being mentioned for all-American honors, in the line. "Ox" Wistert, left tackle, is the only player who played against Harvard in 1940.

The other outstanding name in the Michigan line is Julie Franks, Negro guard, whose bull-like rushes into enemy backfields have raised him high among the nation's best linemen. Saturday will probably see a duel of 60-minute line players, for Harlow has the same lack of depth between the ends that has plagued Crisler and accounted for the Wolverine loss to Iowa Pre-Flight.

Directing the team is Captain and quarterback George Ceithaml, who is a canny play-caller and rugged blocker like his predecessor, Forrest Evashevski.

Bull Barnes, Crimson place-kicker, will have to be on his mettle to keep up with Michigan's Jim Brieske, who kicked four placements against Illinois
