

Burditt May Not Get In Exhibition Game

Captain Bunks Burditt is a doubtful starter in the Varsity basketball team's first game of the season, an exhibition against Boston Coast Guard in the Indoor Athletic Building at 8:30 o'clock sharp tomorrow night.

Bunks sprained his ankle in a scrimmage last week and Coach Earl Brown has kept him out of any hard contact work in practice ever since in the hope that he would be all right for the game. But the ankle is still shaky and Hugh Hyde, who played center at the latter part of the season, may take over the pivot spot.

Lutze, Fansler at Guards

Don Lutze, an experienced player from last season, and red-headed Freshman Mike Fansler are scheduled to start at the guards if Hyde plays center, but if Burditt starts, it will be a three-way toss-up for the guard positions.

George Dillon will be one of the forwards at the opening jump-off with Dean Hennessey, '45 star, probably at the other forward post. Close behind them and pretty sure of substitution early in the game are Tom Axon and Frank Bixler.


Coast Guard Formidable

The Boston Coast Guard team is a tough outfit according to Brown. They haven't had any games yet, like the Crimson, but they've had quite a few scrimmages. The man to watch on the service team is "Ziggy" Strezlecki, Clark University player who was second high scorer in the whole country last season.

Mal Moley '46 guard, will probably see action with Dick Sorlein, Dick Elken, and Al Reade on tap for forwards. Freshman George Boston, although he has only been out for a few practices since football ended, may get in at center or forward. And Dick Forster is also eligible for center substitution.

Tomorrow night's game will give Brown a chance to see his season prospects in real action and there will probably be plenty of substitutions to see what combinations show promise of clicking best during the year.
