
Bunnies Capture Top Honors in '42 All-House Team Selections

Freshmen Take Four Positions on Squad

Leverett House's championship team placed four men on the all-House team chosen yesterday by Adolph Samborski '26, director of House athletics, after consultation with the House coaches and game officials.

Although only ending in a tie for fourth by means of a last half season spurt, Eliot was next in line for honors with two all-stars. In the first year that the House league has been open to Freshmen, the Class of '46 did the creditable feat of placing four men and one alternate on the squad, beating out '44 by only one man on the first team but far out-distancing the other classes.

Chenoweth and Gillis Triple Threats

In the backfield the all-House team has a couple of triple threat men in Dick Chenoweth of Eliot and Frank Gillis of Leverett. Chenoweth's passing and running were the largest factors in the Eliot offense that came to life in their three game winning streak.

Gillis showed his passing ability against Adams early in the season when his toss to end Al Aldrich gave the Bunnies a 7-0 win over Adams for their third straight win of the season. Dick Jason, Leverett's other halfback, was outstanding in the running attack, accounting for the touchdown against Winthrop that broke the tie for the league lead and the score against Eliot that clinched the title for Leverett.


Sosman Plunging Fullback

Completing the all-House backfield, fullback Lee Sosman supplies the plunging power that headed the Dunster offense this fall. Tom Sullivan of Dudley, who showed some very good broken-field running in the few games he played, was the only backfield alternate chosen.

Al Aldrich of Leverett is one of the most outstanding ends to play in the House league for a long time. In game after game he caught passes and hit hard on tackles to jar opposing ball carriers into costly fumbles or smear them behind the line of scrimmage. In the Bunnies' first game of the season, against Lowell, Aldrich accounted for all eight Leverett points by catching a touchdown pass and dropping a Bellboy in the end zone for a safety.

Axtell and Hafner Close

At the other end, Bob Axtell of Lowell and Hal Hafner of Winthrop were very close. Hafner did some great pass catching, but Axtell's exceptional defensive play won him the first string spot.

Dick Manegold was a sure bet for one of the tackles but it was a toss-up between George Blanchard of Kirkland and Jim Aldrich of Winthrop for the other, with Blanchard just winning out.

A light but tough player, Bud Lane did an outstanding job as a fast running guard for Leverett. Howard Healy just beat out his Winthrop teammate, Fairfield Goodale, as the other guard. The powerful Leverett team had another representative. Walt Parsons, battling for the center post, too, but Bill Baer of Eliot nosed him out.

Leverett is still waiting to hear what college it will play at Yale.
