

Training Tables Only Will Drop From Club's Activities

Contrary to the statement appearing in yesterday's Crimson, the Harvard Varsity Club will remain open, Richard C. Floyd '10, president of the Club, said yesterday. Training tables for the athletic teams, however, will be definitely abandoned.

Any undergraduate who wins his major 'H' at Harvard is eligible for membership. Once elected, a member of the club has the right to use the facilities of the clubhouse for the rest of his life, both as an undergraduate and as an alumnus.

Recreation Facilities

The rooms of the Varsity Club include recreation facilities such as ping-pong tables, magazines and newspapers. Living quarters are also available for the use of student members and graduates. The club thus serves as a social and recreational center for its members during their lifetime.

Major social functions of the Varsity Club center about the annual fall dinner, and spring luncheon. These dinners have been highlighted by famous speakers from Harvard and other colleges. The roster has included President James B. Conant '14, of Harvard, James P. Baxter '26, President of Williams College, Tad Wyman, head football coach of Princeton, and Fritz Krisler, former Princeton coach now working at Michigan.
