

Eliot Scores 6 to 0 Win Over Ramblers

Although they dominated play during almost the whole game the Funster football players were held to a scoreless tie yesterday by an injury-ridden Kirkland squad that had to rely on defensive tactics, especially the kicking of Bob Slattery, to keep the Funsters from their goal line.

Slattery's talented toe repeatedly kept Dunster off balance with long boots deep into their territory. But offensively the Deacons made only two first downs and completed one pass.

Sosman Stopped

Dunster's star fullback, Lee Sosman, was successfully bottled up by the Deacon line and only got away for one ten-yard run on a slippery field. Kirkland missed the services on the line of Captain George Blanchard, Jim Logan, Howie Fromson, and Ned Garrison, and in the backfield of blocking back Bob Libertine.

In the third quarter Barry White intercepted a Deacon pass and lateraled as he was about to be tackled to a fellow Funster who ran for a touchdown. But the play was called back and Dunster penalized for an illegal forward lateral.


Eliot won its first game of the season by giving Dudley its third straight defeat, with a last second touchdown resulting in a 6 to 0 win.

Chenowith Scores

In the last quarter Eliot started a touchdown drive from their own 40-yard line. With Dorsey, Dick Coe, and Chenowith leading Eliot along the ground for a change, the Elephants went down to the Rambler 1-yard line, where Chenowith bucked over in the last few seconds of the game.

Bob Curley, a speedy back, sparked an improved Dudley team's attack. But although they reached the Eliot 10-yard line once, the Ramblers couldn't touch paydirt. The lineups are as follows:

Kirkland: le Karb, Casey; It Tibbetts; lg Dr. Hewitt; c Campbell; rg Comer; rt Wiechmann; re Lowkowitz; qb Trumbull, West; fb Brodrick; rhb Holman; lhb Stern, Slattery.

Dunster: le Dowling; It White; lg Lupia; c Grover; rg Caren; rt Reed; re Thurston; qb Brown; lhb Snyder; rhb Hathaway; fb Sosman.

Eliot: le Greer; lt Bremer; lg Stromberg; c Baer; rg S. Gordon; rt D. Gordon; re Ambrose; qb Brady; lhb Coe; rhb Dorsey; fb Chenowith.

Dudley: le Reilly; lt Contompasis; lg, Van Roosen; c Timothy; rg Binder; rt Herwitz; re Petishmann; qb Sullivan; lhb Murphy; rhb Curley; fb Quinn.
