

McCoubrey Sprints To Gold Coast Win

Adams football team maintained its traditional supremacy over Kirkland when it broke loose yesterday afternoon after a scoreless first half to make two touchdowns in the last half and defeat the battling deacons 13 to 0.

"Mac" McCoubrey former star 100-yards dash runner at Exeter, kept the Kirkland defense busy all afternoon with his express-train end runs. Finally, in the third quarter, he did what he had been threatening to do in the first half when he got away for a long end sprint behind the devastating blocking of former jayvee Dick Manegold and Dan Needham, going all the way for a touchdown.

Kirkland could make no headway through the heavy Adams line and finally took to the air; but the heaves of Broderick and Gene Sands connected only once when a touchdown pass to "Mole" Logan was called back because another Deacon touched it first.

In the fourth quarter, M a n e g o l d blocked a Kirkland kick and the Gold Coasters took the ball on the Deacon three. After three line plays failed, Kieran Culliton passed to Al Hartwig for a score.

Sosman Stars in Dunster Win


Dunster served notice that its showing in tying Adams last week was no flash in the pan by vanquishing Lowell in convincing fashion, 21 to 6.

Lee Sosman and Bob Snyder accounted for two Dunster touchdowns on running plays after recovering Lowell fumbles. After Duncan Reid intercepted a Bellboy pass, Dunster brought out its own pass offense and scored again on beautifully executed pass from Johnnie Bassett to Ladd Thurston.

The lineups are as follows:

Adams: le Talmadge, it Ryan, lg Boyle, c Dunn, rg Needham, rt Manegold, re Rand, qb Culliton, tb Hartwig, wb McCoubrey, fb Murphy.

Kirkland; le Logan, it Murphy, lg Garrison, c Johnson, rg Comer, rt Tibbitts, re Lewkowitz, qb Libertine, rhb Holman, lhb D. Albion, fb Broderick.

Dunster: le Dowling, lg Lupia, lt Reed, c Grover, rg Caren, rt B. White, re Thurston, qb Brown, tb Lyne, wb Hathaway, fb Sosman.

Lowell: le Fitzpatrick, lt Binton, lg Foisie, c Davis, rg Smith, rt Gardner, re Axtell, wb Sorlien, qb Cutter, tb West, fb Motley.
