

More than 500 men will participate in five different tennis tournament beginning tomorrow and Thursday as fall tennis swings into action this week. With 52 entreats, Lowell House leads a field of over 250 players entered in the House contests.

Tournament lists will be posted in the Tennis and Squash Shop for the University tournament, in the Union for the Freshman, in Homenway Gymnasium for the Law School, while the House and Business School schedules will be placed on their respective dining room bulletin boards. The first rounds of all tournaments must be played by next Saturday so that the matches may progress swiftly enough to conclude the games by November 10.

Each House will have its own individual tournament to select a House champion who will compete with the other winners for the inter-House championship. Results of this fall's play, however, will not enter into the standings for the Strauss trophy.

Approximately 50 to 60 players signed up for both the Business School and Law School tournaments which begin Thursday afternoon. The Freshman and University matches which start tomorrow drew ever 100 players each.
