

Four of Last Year's Team Will Play Varsity Booters

Captain Jack Penson will lead his Varsity soccer team against a makeshift graduate aggregation this afternoon on the Soldiers Field grounds.

This will be the first appearance of the Varsity this season and the contest will be entirely unofficial and informal. Next Saturday is the opening date for the Varsity when they meet Tufts at home. In the interim they will have a practice fray with the Royal Marines of the British Navy. That game will take place Wednesday afternoon.

Ex-Captain Leads Grads

The graduates this afternoon will have representation from the Business and Law Schools. Roger Oresman, who organized the alumni and played on last fall's Varsity, and ex-captain Dave Ives will be entered today. George Hanford, right half of last year's team, will also play.

George Kyte played second string fullback to Ives and Oresman last year and will participate for the graduates. Varsity players from Yale and Stanford now attending the Business School are entered.


Freshmen Need Conditioning

The contest will primarily afford the Varsity a chance to play as a unit and to give its younger members vital game experience. Mid-week scrimmages necessitated dividing the best players to create an interesting workout and thus failed to give the team unified practice.

This week the Freshmen confined their work to conditioning scrimmages. The material is about average and Coach "Polly" Guyda expects to build an aggregation around a nucleus of experienced prep school players.
