

Crimson Offer Cripples Poon Boss; Dysentery Stalks Funny Men's Den

"As usual, the Lampoon is scared of us," sneered tall, dark, handsome J. Robert Moskin, secretary of the CRIMSON, last night as the fourth day without an answer passed since the Plympton Street journalists issued a challenge to their Adams House Annex neighbors for a match of pin-ball.

If the semi-humorists of Lampy come out of the funk and accept the gauntlet, the game will be played "on a neutral board" sometime next week, according to George R. Clay '43, temporary chairman of the Harvard CRIMSON Athletic Association.

"We've been practicing up our play on our own equipment and we're ready to take on all comers," Clay announced last night. "You ought to see the 14 Plympton Special."

Reasons emanating from the Joe Miller Memorial Emporium for their failure to reply to the challenge were that President Coles Phinizy had grown pale and left town, immediately on receiving the gage and that the rest of the 'Poons have been down with severe cases of dysentery for a day and a half on account of the poor food which was served them at their last dinner.
