

Freshman to Elect Ten To Run Smoker, Jubilee

The first step in the launching of the annual Freshman Smoker and Jubilee will be taken tonight at 7:15 o'clock when all those who aspire for a position on the Smoker-Jubilee committees meet to apply for nomination. The final choice of ten committeemen rests with the entire Freshman class, which will have a chance to vote its favorites into office next Wednesday.

At the meeting tonight candidates for the two committees will submit their names to the Freshman Union Committee. Other candidates will be named by the Freshman Union Committee itself, with the advice of Eugene Keith '42 and George Putnam '43, Advisers for Freshman Affairs. All applications for nomination must be in by tomorrow afternoon, since the Union Committee will hold another meeting that night to pick 30 names for the ballot.

Petitions Legal

If those who have been overlooked by the Committee can obtain 25 signatures on a petition, they will be placed on the ballot before the deadline next Tuesday.

As soon as the fortunate ten have been elected to the Smoker and Jubilee committees by their classmates, the Union Committee will assign them positions. Chairmen are empowered to appoint extra men to their committees under the rulings adopted last year when '43 voted down annual elections of officers.


This year's Smoker Committee will not have to strut much stuff to outdistance last year's which caused a nearriot by announcing the appearance of Ann Sherldan at the gathering and then showing a monkey by the same name.

This year, the committee will be more limited in funds than those who ran the annual stag party for the class of '43, but the Union Committee feels that an active business staff can more than make up in advertising revenue and "drag" entertainment what has been lost in appropriations. Money spent by the Smoker Committee is used to attract celebrities, such as Rochester of "Buck" Benny fame and Ray Perkins, both of whom appeared last year.

The Smoker is usually held every April in Memorial Hall. Singing, fighting, swaying to swing bands, and clapping celebrities are traditional parts of the fun.

Duties of the Jubilee Committee include hiring a band which will attract all the Yardlings past an expensive turnstile, decorating the Union dining hall, and providing refreshments.
