
Sleepy Sunday

Convinced by the example of their Eli brethren that it doesn't take too great an effort to make one's bed for one day at a time and urged on by the Daily Princetonian, the undergraduates of Old Nassau are carrying on a petition campaign to relieve their maids of Sunday duty without reducing their wages. As in Cambridge, the maids come in on the Sabbath for only a few hours, and they do nothing except make the beds of any ambitious youths who have not taken the Biblical phrase "day of rest" too literally.

No one would have to sacrifice much if the maids were given a holiday on Sundays. The great bulk of the students, who habitually sleep till after the maids have gone, have to make their own beds anyhow, and anybody who gets up early deserves to have to have to make his own. What little sacrifice might be entailed would be more than compensated for by the bentfits to the working women. It is an imposition to ask them to arrive at their dormitories to do the few simple tasks that are theirs on the seventh day of the week. Like all other humans they have a desire to sleep late on Sunday, and a one day vacation would be much appreciated. They would probably work the better for it during the week.

However, Harvard's weather eye has been looking askance at Yale's labor situation for the past few months. As at Princeton, any such movement here would have to have the support of the undergraduates before it would be accepted by the University. If the University learned from a flood of petitions or from Student Council action that the students would not mind making their own beds, it would be very likely to accept the proposal.


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