

Harlow Terms Scrimmage "Average"; Stresses Blocks

Stocky Don McNicol returned to practice for the first time in over a week yesterday, and his hard running and accurate passing were the bright spots of mediocre practice. In the week before the tragic death of his mother, Don had seen only a little action, and it was feared that a layoff of almost two weeks would make itself felt. Any such fears were dispelled by yesterday's performance, however.

At the same time it was announced that Ben Whitehill, a Senior had been elevated to the Crimson jersey squad. Ben plays either right or left guard, weighs 190, and prepared at Lawrenceville. His showing in Monday's scrimmage caused Harlow to make room for him on the Varsity squad.

'45 Scrimmages Varsity

Team A went to work on the first Freshman team, tearing them to hits in a rather inconclusive manner. The Varsity was good for three yards against the Yardlings no matter what happened, and so they ground up and down the gridiron at will, without running into any sort of opposition they will find on the next seven Saturdays.

Except for McNicol's work, Harlow was not pleased and he termed the scrimmage "average." Downfield block-received a large share of the coaches' attention, but there is still a great deal more to be done in that department before the team's work downfield will be termed satisfactory.


As one veteran observer put it, the Crimson had its first real scrimmage last Saturday. With such a gap between his first and second elevens, and with the Freshmen still in an undeveloped state, there is no aggregation within the confines of Soldiers Field on which Harlow can call to give his first team the opposition they need to keep them on their toes.

Ted Lyman, second team blocking back, suffered a bump on the leg and left the field in an H.A.A. cart. It is not thought, however, that his injury is serious. Others on the sick list include ends Bill Barnes and Johnny Farley, but both are expected to be back in a few days at the most.

Wingback Ray Guild, in uniform for the second day, saw some contact work when team if scrimmaged a second Freshman group, but he has been out for so long that it should take some time to round into shape.

Doug Pirnie took turns with Franny Lee in the tailback spot, and showed a great deal of improvement. When he first came out, Jaakko Mikkola's prize possession showed great flashes of speed but went down whenever a secondary laid a hand on him. Now that he has learned how to handle himself beyond the line of scrimmage, he shows real potentialities.

Team A: le Morgan, lt Miller, lg Peabody, c Page (Ayres), rg Pfister, rt Gardiner, re Forte, bb Heiden, tb Lee (Prinie), wb Lyle, fb McNicol.

Team B: le Davenport, lt Hibbard, lg Row, c Anderson, rg Grunig, rt Stannard, re Putnam, bb Lyman (Goldthwait), tb Wilson, wb O'Donnell, fb Johnson.

Freshmen: le Richards, lt Shepard, lg Duxbury, c Bettle, rg Smith, rt Wheeler, re Casey, bbCoste, tb Garland, wb Worthington, fb Goodale
