

Lowell Meets Kirkland In Big Battle This Afternoon

With only two and one-half minutes left to play, the Second Freshmen offense sprang into action, crashing through tackle with the lone score of the day to register a 6 to 0 victory over the Leveret Bunnies. The Claverly Clippers failed to turn out with a full team and lost by forfeit to the Gold Coasters of Adams.

In a game marked by the number of penalties, the Bunnies had their big chance to score in the first quarter. With Jim Lee doing the blocking, they carried the ball down to the Yardling's 10-Yard marker, where a five-yard penalty put an end to the drive. Apparently disheartened, the backs were then unable to chalk up a first down, and the ball went over to the Freshmen.

The league-leading Lowell eleven will meet its first stiff test of the season this afternoon at 3:15 o'clock when it encounters the once defeated Kirkland squad. The Bellboys, have both a good passing and running attack and should be able to crack the Deacon defense to run up a winning score.

On an adjoining field the Dunster Funsters will take on the Dudley Ramblers in what should prove to be a scrappy game. Both teams have been clicking off and on throughout the year and will probably put up a tough fight before the final whistle blows. In the day's third game, the Eliot Elephants will be seeking their first win against a yet-unvictorious Winthrop eleven. The Puritans hold the edge.
