
Kirkland Cheers Kirkland In Anti-Adams Pep Rally

Kirkland House spirits manifested themselves all up and down the Gold Coast and Mount Auburn Street late last night in a spontaneous outburst of anti-Adams feeling.

Inspired by flaming speeches and a likewise nocturnal collation, 160 Deacons set out in a most un-Deacon-like manner at 10:15 o'clock to rouse their House football rivals of this afternoon.

Led by their seven-place brass band playing "Kirkland." "Hit the Line for Kirkland," and "Ten Thousand Men of Kirkland," the gallant men of Smith Halls trooped, staggered, and meandered up to Adams, where they stood and shouted scurrilous things at their enemies. When Gold Coasters had responded in kind as well as with a pail of water, the Deacons about faced and marched home again, finishing the evening with a solid rendition of "Fair Kirkland."
