

Deacons and Puritans Will Provide Grid Opposition

Four football games, two touch and two tackle, will keep the House football squads well-occupied this afternoon on Soldiers Field. In the tackle league, the Puritans will take on the 2nd Freshmen, and Kirkland, who beat Leverett last week, will tackle a fair-to-middling Dormitory outfit at 3:15 o'clock.

Although Winthrop dropped a close 7 to 6 decision to the Bell Boys last week, they should be able to give the 2nd Freshmen a real battle. Stan Durwood, the Puritans' triple-threat back, will be Poison with a capital "P" to the Freshman line and should really stack up the yardage against the Yardling defense.

Deacons Seek Second Win

In the other tackle game, a once-victorious Deacon eleven should again have the stuff to carry them through to victory. Their opponent, a none-too-powerful Dormitory team, will have its hands full trying to stem the drive of the Kirkland backs. When the final whistle blows, it should be Kirkland by at least one touchdown.

The 2nd Freshmen and Dormitory contests do not figure in the standings of the House league, but compose a second league of which the House teams are also a part. The House league is a "league within a league" in that the inter-House games figure in the results of both groups.


In the touch contests, the Gold Coasters will tangle with the Funsters, while the Ramblers will fight it out with the Bunnies, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Few House squads have yet practiced with earnest, and it will be a matter of hit or miss when the teams begin to play.
