

Varsity B and C Teams, Yardling Groups Lose Encounters During Week

Coach Jack Barnaby's powerful squash team gave little Williams College but one game out of 28 in rolling up an impressive 9 to 0 triumph Saturday afternoon in Hemenway Gymnasium. The Crimson are still undefeated in intercollegiate competition, having brushed aside early season opposition with comparative case.

Sonny Lyell led the parade with a 15-7, 15-10, 15-4 conquest of Bob Hendric, the number one man of the Purple. Gone Nickerson had a bit more trouble with speedy Bill Collins but won in four games, 12-15, 15-12, 15-9, and 15-11. At number three Galen Felt trimmed Bill Nicolls, 15-8, 15-10, 15-6.

Marvin Hot

Captain Don Marvin had one of the best days of his career and whipped Wolff of Williams, 15-4, 15-3, 17-16. Decker Orr at number five whaled Hemphill into submission, 15-12, 15-9, 15-5. Sandy Parker ran through Schmidt, 15-7, 15-10, 15-7. Dave DeKruif was pressed a bit more but also won in three games, 18-15, 15-12, 15-11.

Dudley Palmer and Orme Wilson mopped up at eight and nine respectively over Al Bedford and Pete Arnable. Palmer won by 15-9, 15-11, 15-11; Wilson won by 15-8, 18-17, 15-11.


The visitors offered no real opposition to Harvard, but Coach Barnaby was pleased with the decivehess of the win and absence of any tendencies to let down or ease up. Hal Baker was unable to play because of a bad ankle.

The rest of the week in squash provided four defeats for Harvard. The B team was tripped by the Boston Y.M.C.A. on Wednesday, 3 to 2, and dropped to third place in the League standings. Orme Wilson and Bill Frothingham accounted for the two victories; Don Marvin, Doug Cochrane, and Sandy Parker lost. A makeshift C team went down before the University Club, 4 to 1, with Nelson Gidding providing the only win.

The Freshman C and D outfits were given a couple more trimmings during the week. The C was blanked by the Business School team, 5 to 0, and the D lost to the University Club, 4 to 1. Tuckerman was the point winner for the Yearlings.
