
Beware, All You Sinners, Here Comes Brill, Full to the Gills With New Political Faith

"Babson's The Man" Reformed Toper Cheers As Organization Grows Apace

If organization and getting the jump on the other parties were all there were to the winning of elections, the University would stand a good chance of "going dry" on election day.

The local Republicans, Democrats, and Socialists have as yet failed to organize into the political clubs which usually herald the coming of an election, but Roger Babson, candidate for president of the United States' on the Prohibition Party slate, has a Harvard following which has formed itself into a tight little political organization, confident at least of a moral victory.

No More Rum

Headed by R. Llewelln Brill '42, a reformed toper of note, the Prohibitionists plan to use revival methods to secure converts from gutters and rathskellers and to gather them behind the local Party slogan, "No More Gin: No More Sin."

Brill, known in his Freshman year as "Brill the Barrel" and last year as "Liquid Lew," explained that he "took the vow" one Sunday morning early this summer. Advising the pledge for all his fellow students as a cure-all that really works, he pointed to himself as a staggering example: "Before I decided to follow Babson, what was I?" he asked. "A nobody. And now look at me: I'm chairman of the Brill-for-Babson club of Harvard University."


No More Whiskey

Bubbling over with spirits, he oozed optimism yesterday afternoon. "We may not beat Roosevelt or Wilkie," he enthused, "but I'm certain we can beat the devil."

Secretary and treasurer of the organization is Leo Rost'42, son of a noted Louisville distiller. Rost refused to reveal the size of the organization yesterday but he did express a hope that the Club might increase 50% in size during the next week.

"We've heard of another Rabsonite around the College," he announced at a press conference, "and we expect to sign him up shortly."
