

Some people will go to ridiculous extremes to earn five cents. However, probably no greater number of people ever carried on such an awesome variety of odd, yes, very odd jobs as are in progress here at Vassar for our own Seventy-fifth. Even men are rented for the good of the cause!

The men in the question are secured through an organization which calls itself "Matthew's Man Market" handled by four enterprising seniors. Obtaining its "wares" from Yale, Harvard and Princeton, the Man Market has carned, to date, thirty dollars, most of which was accumulated during the Harvard Hasty Pudding weekend. Still another concern carried on a "rushing service" at the dance following the Hasty, Pudding show and is said to have acquired a tidy sum. -Vassar Miscellany News.

Ed note: Did you ever see a Vassar senior in a hurry?
